How to delete saved password from Google chrome

Most of the users save all website password when they first time login using username and password, such as you login Facebook, Google Gmail, YouTube, twitter and many more website password, even if we take a example of users approx. 90% of users save password with personal devices for website they visit on daily basis.

Now there are circumstances creates when we have to remove password from browsers, so that others cannot login with our personal accounts, in that situation how you can remove password from Google Chrome browsers, for that we have to go deep into the  setting page of Google chrome browser.How to Remove Saved Password from Google chrome browser

There are many setting available on the setting page of Google chrome browser, through which we can make many changes, this option available with each version of Google chrome, for that follow the steps.

  • Open your pc or device in which you want to make changes
  • Open browser and go to setting page if you don’t know how to search setting just follow chrome://settings/ with your browser
  • Now scroll down and search for Password and Forms option and click on manage password
  • Now it will give you all option where your all website username and password saved, now just click on x button to delete password

More options you will get on this page, where you can easily access your all saved password from now press down button, and there is more new option such as you can view password by clicking on view button, after clicking on, it will shows you an option to type your device admin password now it will shows you saved password. This password deletion option will help you when you selling your device to someone else.

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