Removing data from a mobile device using gmail and google play store

Today’s new era of technology you have many options to change the way you want to use your Android devices, users mostly question related to removing data from a mobile device, however it could be any smartphone or device which has an OS you can erase content using remotely, now question arise how it’s possible with Android device.

With this Gmail Account will work as a remote control

With this option of Android, all things operate from Gmail account using sync all the data from device, so that user can easily see info using Google Play store, because you can operate almost all product of Google using single email account, at starting when you purchase your device after that you need to create Google play account to see and download all the useful apps.

All the activity related to deleting data controlled by Android Device Manager, where users use most of the time when users lost their device and to track your lost Android Phone without apps help, this is one of the most useful step to track your smartphone using android device manager.

Because this option deleting data from smartphone using email account from remote location help as well when your phone will be lost, but most of the user love to do new activity with Android smartphone so this is one of the amazing activity of them.

Easy steps to delete all data of Android smartphone from remote location

For that you need to have some little knowledge about android and how it works, so mainly android is Google most popular product, and its also call a operating system, now Google create a platform called Google Play store where all the apps lived and developed and hosted by millions of developers, so that Android device users can download apps from play store, for accessing play store you need to have an play store id which you can easily get using email account, after getting these all you can do whatever you want, such as you can erase content from other location using single mail account, now we will explore easy method to get it done.

  • Open your phone and computer, and connect both with internet, with mobile phone, put it some other room or inside your jeans pocket.
  • Now open your computer browser and type on Google search “”Google play store“” click on first result.
  • You will be inside Google play store where you will get many apps and records, to connect your device you need to logged in using email account which you use with your phone.Remotely wipe your Android device with the help of Google
  • Click on setting button right hand side Android Device Manager, now you will be redirected to new page which will open with Google maps, and it will detect your phone location after connecting, when it will connect with phone show you the exact location of your device with 3 option Ring, lock, Erase, but you have to click on Erase option.Removing data from a mobile device
  • After clicking on Erase option it will give
    (((Erase all data?

This will be done after doing these 5 step approach, but please make sure when you do this with your phone, backup your all data, if you are having your phone.

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