How to Change WordPress Logo on Admin Signup or Login, about us from top left area

With our old post we cover all the necessary things about how to remove logo from wp-admin page, we cover manual help of coding we remove the link and logo, now users completely modify the Dashboard area of website using small lines of code, so that they can handover website to clients, so that they don’t know website Is developed with WordPress CMS, customizing the WordPress dashboard for your clients using remove this logo from anywhere in my user admin.

The small line of code make huge changes into the admin dashboard of WordPress website, remove logos from whole site, add your own choice logo and images on admin dashboard, you can customize lot’s with WordPress site, with our old post we cover How to Remove WordPress Logo and link from wp-admin page, so your rest of work possible to edit with that post, now come to the point where you have to follow few easy steps to completely make edit to your site.Remove WordPress Logo from Admin Dashboard of WordPress website

Remove WordPress logo and about WordPress,, documentation, support forum, and feedback

When you click on left top corner, or move your cursor top of the WordPress website admin area, you will see there is 6 important options to remove once, WordPress logo, about WordPress,, documentation, support forums and feedback, if you have a client website of which you want to make website for lot’s of the bloggers (Authors, editors), to create new interface, then you have to make changes or remove al those things, so that no one can see that the website is designed or developed with WordPress.

Steps to remove WordPress Logo from Admin Dashboard

  • After login to your website using as a admin.
  • Now go to the editor of your WordPress website, bu follow the link >>Aappearance> Editor >> Function.php, open function .php file with your editor
  • Edit the code, add code to remove WordPress logo from left top corner of WordPress website.
  • Add this line of code to your function.php anywhere so that you can see the changes

//</editor-fold desc=”>>> Removed logo from left admin pane of wordpress site.”>

function annointed_admin_bar_remove() {
global $wp_admin_bar;
/* Remove their stuff */
add_action(‘wp_before_admin_bar_render’, ‘annointed_admin_bar_remove’, 0);

//</editor-fold desc=”>>> Removed logo from left admin panel.”>

  • Click on update file to save the code with function.php, now refresh the website admin panel, you see the changes with your website, the above left top corner WordPress logo removed.

Now you found that WordPress logo removed from your website admin area, now you can give the project to your clients. You see the complete changes with your website.

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